Mindfulness Coaching Blog
Grounded, Loving Presence: A Journey of Spiritual Growth, Business Evolution, and AI Collaboration
by: Matthew Rezac, MPS, Level 2 (PCC) Facilitator of: The Art of Engaged Mindfulness: Settling the Mind for Intuition to Emerge Group Coaching: Unleashing the Transformative Potential of Community I've always believed in the power of mindfulness to transform both...
Mindful Action, Mindful Acceptance: Living in the Tension Between the World As It Is and the World As It Could Be
by with Matthew Rezac, MPS Facilitator of: The Art of Engaged Mindfulness: Settling the Mind for Intuition to Emerge Group Coaching: Unleashing the Transformative Potential of Community Is mindfulness more about acceptance or change? This is a thorny question. I’ve...
Brother David and Me: The Ring of Gratitude
by: Ann-Marie McKelvey, LPCC, MCC Founder and HeadLearner at MCS The very first thing I noticed about Brother David Steindahl-Rast was his hands. Upon entering the Zendo he bowed, reverently greeting each of us with palms together and fingers pointed upwards. This...
Absolute and the Dissolute and the Resolute Solution
by: S. Yael Dennis, MD, PhD ACC Facilitator of: *Body Electric *Coaching Leaders for Today’s Challenges Friends, we all know we live in trying times. We’re still feeling the impact of Covid and the lockdown experiences in many ways, and the polarization in our...
Dreams, Intuition and Synchronicity II
by: Mac Dryden, Director, ACC Level 1 Facilitator of Dreams, Intuition & Synchronicity Read Part 1 Some dreams preview the coming moments of the next day or week while others present as nightmares to flush discord out of one’s consciousness. Some dreams are wake...
The Magic of MCS: Q&A with Faculty About the History, Mission and Classes with MCS Faculty
Dreams, Intuition and Synchronicity I
by: Mac Dryden, Director, ACC Level 1 Facilitator of Dreams, Intuition & Synchronicity Read Part II My dreams have become my greatest teacher in this life. Inspiring new desires of my physical being, quenching my thirst for knowledge and growth while continually...
Coaching and Living From a Place of Intuition – Living a natural spontaneous life
By Mac Dryden, ACC, BS As coaches and human beings we rarely need the overcomplicated stories and ideas that we’ve been taught. We each have access to our innate, intuitive genius in each moment when we tap in. If you look, you will see all babies and animals have...
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better. – Dr. Suess
By Ann-Marie McKelvey, LPCC, MCC In Dr. Suess' book, The Lorax, the Once-ler is the industrialist (inside all of us) whose greed of the planet’s resources prohibits him from thinking long-term. He cuts down one Truffula Tree after another until none are left. His...
Manufacturing Happiness as a Wellness Strategy
by Kristin Moody, ACC, EdD Join her free Mindfulness Coaching Call this Monday! There is abundant research to support the importance of happiness in life. Martin Seligman’s Positive Psychology researchers first provided focus on the role of happiness in personal and...
Pull Out Your Power Tool: EMDR and Coaching
by Sherri Felton, ACC, LPCC, Performance Coach Join her free Mindfulness Coaching Call this Monday! Check out her EMDR class Why do people seek out the services of a coach? The main reason is to receive professional support in making a change. Our clients' lives are...
If St. Hildegard Was Your Coach…
by Meg Hess, D.Min., PCC St. Hildegard lived, and thrived, in Germany in the 12th century. The more I learn about her remarkable life with her outstanding contributions to medicine, theology, art, and writing, the more I think of her as a guide for those who wish to...
Community Is Not a Plastic Bag
by Matthew Rezac, ACC, MPS The word “community” gets thrown around a lot, especially online. Type your email, make a click, and BAM! You’re in. Welcome to the community. Communities are common as plastic bags these days. Apparently, they’re as nourishing as plastic...
Be Discerning
In what parts of your body
Has the Outside World landed?
A reminder;
The Outside World
Is not you.
Be discerning.
Breathe out all that is not needed,
Breathe in all that is needed.
Cultivating Your Spirit Opener List
What are your Spirit Openers? Here are mine…
Today’s Spirit Opener List
•Breathing exercises
•Contemplative writing
•Collaboration with colleagues
•Biking to Galisteo Basin
•Exchanging ideas at CoFe
The passionate energy
Of manifesting.
Today’s Mindful Practice:
•Keep it simple!
•Don’t wait another moment
•Just jump…into the Friendly Unknown.
What arises?
Your Expiration Date
The gravestones
And Urns
Wait patiently
Your expiration date
Is sooner
Than before.
The Friendly Unknown
There is much
To unpack
But luckily
I choose not to.
I keep traveling
Into the
Friendly Unknown.
Just for Today
Just for today
Let’s create
Unconditional friendliness
Towards ourselves and our home, Earth.
Just for today…just for today.
All Listening is…
All Listening is
All Listening is
All Listening is
The Absence of Monkey Mind
Closing eyes,
Listen for the whisperings.
Where we go next
Memories do not follow.
In This Land of Impermanence
There is no conclusion.
No summary.
No ending.
Only an ever-changing
Prayer Flags ~ Welcoming Everything
A constant since March.
It took almost 150 days
Before we became friends.
Blowing prayers
Around our planet
Permeating our hearts.
If It Were An Ally
If the fires were an ally
If the smoke was an ally
If the drought was an ally
If the wind storms were an ally…
How would we alchemize
These strong energies
Into potent teachings
For all life?
Create a Vision Board
How can we remember
To love ourselves enough
To change the form of our lives
And reflect who we truly are…
Not what the world
Wants us to robotically be?
Create a Vision Board!
Unconditional friendliness
Towards oneself…
Emptiness and Form
Emptiness and Form
What was seen
Are now shadows.
What was imperative
Is now forgotten.
Knowing this,
What are
The next steps?
Bottomline ~ It’s always your choice.
Reset Time!
Reset time is living in Beginners Mind as fresh eyes and fresh beginnings are revealed.
Here are a few ways Reset Time manifests:
-Follow your intuition as you drive yourself to an unknown location for an overnight.
-Spend 24 hours in your flannel pj’s unplugged so you can plug into your inner world.
-Wander around the town you live in as though for the last time.
-Take yourself out on a date and surprise yourself with unusual gifts.
-Go to bed an hour earlier and get up an hour later. Record your dreams as they arise.
-Give yourself permission to do what you have always wanted to do!
Following through…
We promise ourselves so many things. Sometimes
we forget the follow through to make it a reality.
Remember: You are your oldest and dearest friend.
Without following through on self-commitment we
turn our backs on ourselves and forget who we are.
Challenge: Each day this week fulfill a promise you
have made to yourself and follow through.