by with Matthew Rezac, MPS Facilitator of: The Art of Engaged Mindfulness: Settling the Mind for Intuition to Emerge Group Coaching: Unleashing the Transformative Potential of Community Is mindfulness more about acceptance or change? This is a thorny question. I’ve...
by: S. Yael Dennis, MD, PhD ACC Facilitator of: *Body Electric *Coaching Leaders for Today’s Challenges Friends, we all know we live in trying times. We’re still feeling the impact of Covid and the lockdown experiences in many ways, and the polarization in our...
by: Mac Dryden, Director, ACC Level 1 Facilitator of Dreams, Intuition & Synchronicity Read Part 1 Some dreams preview the coming moments of the next day or week while others present as nightmares to flush discord out of one’s consciousness. Some dreams are wake...
by: Mac Dryden, Director, ACC Level 1 Facilitator of Dreams, Intuition & Synchronicity Read Part II My dreams have become my greatest teacher in this life. Inspiring new desires of my physical being, quenching my thirst for knowledge and growth while continually...
By Mac Dryden, ACC, BS As coaches and human beings we rarely need the overcomplicated stories and ideas that we’ve been taught. We each have access to our innate, intuitive genius in each moment when we tap in. If you look, you will see all babies and animals have...
by Kristin Moody, ACC, EdD Join her free Mindfulness Coaching Call this Monday! There is abundant research to support the importance of happiness in life. Martin Seligman’s Positive Psychology researchers first provided focus on the role of happiness in personal and...
I enjoyed the process of learning new skills every week and having many opportunities to practice the skills. [Skillful Means: The Coaching Skill Set] accelerated my readiness to get out there and start coaching!