by Meg Hess, D.Min., PCC
St. Hildegard lived, and thrived, in Germany in the 12th century. The more I learn about her remarkable life with her outstanding contributions to medicine, theology, art, and writing, the more I think of her as a guide for those who wish to flourish in life. Hildegard’s spiritual tradition taught her to practice “discretio.” In the Middle Ages the Latin term “discretio” had a complex meaning which wove together the spiritual practices of discretion and discernment. “Discretio” involved self-awareness, the ability to take a clear-eyed look at one’s life and goals, and the capacity to identity one’s deepest longings. In a sense, the practice of “Discretio” is very much like the process of coaching.
Coaching creates a space where the client can touch base with an inner compass which guides them to live a life of integrity, meaningfulness, and purpose. With our accompaniment, clients are invited to identify their gifts and strengths, artfully navigate their challenges, and bring their deepest longings into alignment with how they love, live, and work in the world. Coaching is a place where one learns to listen as they practice “discretio.” This is “global listening” where client and coach are listening to one another as well as to the space between them. Listening for hints and guesses about one’s callings as they clarify feelings, needs, and longings for wholeness.
In the MCS March Coaching Call I will dig a little deeper into the life of St. Hildegard of Bingen. We will discover more about how this Medieval Mystic practiced self-care, developed her gifts, strengths, and skills, and provided leadership to others in her community who sought to follow her example of living a full, flourishing life. Her bold life provides many clues to how we might be a more effective coach and live with less fear and more courage.
Sign Up for Meg’s Mindfulness Coaching Call, March 6, 2023.
Our Mindfulness Coaching call is held every month and is our gift to the community.
Anyone can attend!
Meg also teaches:
Right Speech: Listening Deeply, Speaking Truth
Skillful Means: The Coaching Skill Set