Dreams, Intuition & Synchronicity: Coaching into the Endless Richness of Oneself

Level 2

Taught by:
Mac Dryden, Level 1 (ACC), BS

Created by:
Mac Dryden, Level 1 (ACC), BS

•12 ICF Core Competency CCEs
•12 Counseling CEUs

Delve into more of who you are.

Utilize practical techniques to engage your intuition and recall your dreams while blending them with your physical life. Develop a relationship with your dreams to gain access to self love and your innate wisdom.

Discover more synchronicity, release old limiting ideas, and embrace the expansiveness of your true self. By creating a safe container for sharing, we will together discover joyous epiphanies of ourselves and our greater reality.

I am pleased and excited to offer these tools to access your inner richness and creative, multidimensional self.

What does this class have to do with coaching? Everything!


• Learn to recall your dreams, integrate the knowledge into your physical reality, act on clues you are given, and enjoy the synchronicity as your life unfolds more and more as a dream.
• Integrate the ICF core competencies into even greater awareness of the physical and non-physical aspects of life, respecting the boundaries of yourself, your friends and families and your clients.
• Learn to cultivate and understand deep presence within the body.
• Listen ever deeply into your intuition in navigating the coaching client relationship and the relationship with yourself and your world.
• Deepen awareness beyond fear, nervousness and the various forms of separation into greater wholeness for your life.
• Create deeper Trust and Intimacy within yourself that overflows and radiates into all your relations.
•Learn to make cleaner, clearer, aligned life choices by listening to your intuitive self which is quite naturally aligned with wholeness.


Contact Hours (Pending): 12 hours over 8 sessions 1.5hrs each or 6 sessions for the 2 hour class.
Where: Anywhere! Connect via phone or computer.
Tuition: $725


Purchasing your books through our website endows a portion of the amount paid to support student scholarships and the growth of our global community. Follow links below or visit our Bookstore to purchase through our Amazon Affiliate account. Thank you for your generosity!



Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul – Jane Roberts 
Mac recommends the Audible version.

“Practice magical techniques to engage your intuition, cultivate self love, and reveal your innate wisdom. This coaching course guides you to shed limiting beliefs as you embrace your natural joy. Expect epiphanies and a greater sense of wholeness as you learn to trust your greater self, all while passing your experience and wisdom to your clients.”

–Mac Dryden, ACC Level 1
Director and Facilitator


To qualify for CCEs, CEUs and/or Class Credits toward Credentialing
You MUST attend 80% of the required, live class contact hours and complete a Class Evaluation Questionnaire in order to receive credit and/or CCEs or CEUs for the class. Students will be asked to indicate presence at the start and close of each class. Make-ups are not possible. We cannot provide CCEs, CEUs or a Certificate of Completion to anyone who does not attend the minimum number of class hours required.

Note Regarding State Boards
Ann-Marie is a CEU Provider through the state of New Mexico. It has been our experience that most state boards accept CEUs from the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board. It is up to the individual participant to verify acceptance with their state board.

Class Withdrawal & Refund Policy
We are committed to running a healthy and efficient school and to keeping tuition costs low for our students. Last-minute cancellations and transfers are very costly for us – significant staff time must be redirected, preparatory materials changed, and budget altered. As a courtesy to us and to your fellow students who may be on the waiting list, please submit your cancellation requests at least two weeks before the start of class. Our class withdrawal policy is as follows:
• More than 14 days prior to the start of class: Mindfulness Coaching School retains a $150.00 fee for all cancellations.
• 8 – 14 days prior to the start of class: Mindfulness Coaching School retains half of class tuition.
• 7 days or less prior to the start of class: Mindfulness Coaching School retains all of class tuition.
• Optional Counseling and/or EMDRIA CEUs are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Internal Transfer Fee
A $100.00 fee will be charged for transferring your registration and payment from one MCS class to another.