Welcome to the MCS Community
In a world that reinvents itself daily, we empower our students and clients to adapt, integrate, and flourish from the inside out through engaged honesty, kindness and love. This is for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Step into your calling. Revolutionize your life and other’s by becoming a somatic-based mindfulness
Ann-Marie McKelvey, MCS Founder & HeadLearner
Buddhist Chaplain, Jungian Psychotherapist, Coach
Join Us for Our Free Mindfulness Coaching Call
First Tuesday of each month, we host a live free community coaching and mindfulness call. There’s no better way to experience what we’re all about!
More Testimonials
Cushion Wisdom Blog by Ann-Marie McKelvey
Grounded, Loving Presence: A Journey of Spiritual Growth, Business Evolution, and AI Collaboration
by: Matthew Rezac, MPS, Level 2 (PCC) Facilitator of: The Art of Engaged Mindfulness: Settling the Mind for Intuition to Emerge Group Coaching: Unleashing the Transformative Potential of Community I've always believed...
Brother David and Me: The Ring of Gratitude
by: Ann-Marie McKelvey, LPCC, MCC Founder and HeadLearner at MCS The very first thing I noticed about Brother David Steindahl-Rast was his hands. Upon entering the Zendo he bowed, reverently greeting each of us with...
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better. – Dr. Suess
By Ann-Marie McKelvey, LPCC, MCC In Dr. Suess' book, The Lorax, the Once-ler is the industrialist (inside all of us) whose greed of the planet’s resources prohibits him from thinking long-term. He cuts down one...
Be Discerning
In what parts of your body
Has the Outside World landed?
A reminder;
The Outside World
Is not you.
Be discerning.
Breathe out all that is not needed,
Breathe in all that is needed.
Cultivating Your Spirit Opener List
What are your Spirit Openers? Here are mine…
Today’s Spirit Opener List
•Breathing exercises
•Contemplative writing
•Collaboration with colleagues
•Biking to Galisteo Basin
•Exchanging ideas at CoFe
The passionate energy
Of manifesting.
Today’s Mindful Practice:
•Keep it simple!
•Don’t wait another moment
•Just jump…into the Friendly Unknown.
What arises?
Tel: +1 (505) 906-6700
If you have questions please contact us and we’d be happy to connect.