Cushion Wisdom

with Ann-Marie

Standing Tall with Big Heart:
Somatically, Mindfully, Creatively, Unceasingly




Next time you are standing…
•Imagine the soles of your feet connecting with the core of our planet.
•Imagine the crown of your head connecting to the farthest galaxy.
•Image it.
•Breathe it.
•Become it.
•Bloom in it.

Keep inhaling and exhaling…
Be open to sensation…
What are you experiencing in your body?

Revisiting a Favorite Place

Revisiting a Favorite Place

The memories flood through:
Study Buddies whispering across the table.
Unknown authors randomly discovered on shelves.
Poems and essays vibrating new ways of thinking.
The wisdom of Dante and Socrates beckoning
the timelessness of life.

Now decades later
With fresh eyes and little time left
I am back.

Aliveness thrives in this moment.

Decision vs. Choice

Decision vs. Choice

He said dejectedly, “I have made the decision to stay
until the end of the year.” Then his shoulders slumped.

She said, “Whoa! That decision sounds like a non-
negotiable jail sentence.

“I am curious, what happens when you switch out the word
decision for the word choice? What happens to your body?”

He didn’t have to say a word. His body said it all.
His eyes softened. Color came back into his cheeks.
He sat up straighter. He smiled.

Notice the different energies between the word
decision and the word choice.

Empowering ourselves through words is such
an easy task and yet so often we forget.

When in doubt today…

When in doubt today…

….stop, close your eyes, inhale deeply and exhale twice
as deep. Do this a few times. Slowly oxygenate your
experience. Let it become fresh again.

Open your eyes and observe through the lens of
Beginners Mind. Trust what arises and follow through.

Keep me posted…( – ;

Loving Awareness

Loving Awareness

Pause for just a moment.  Breathe deeply and exhale.

•Watch what emerges as your mind begins to settle
with each inhale and exhale. 
•Watch attentively and breathe even deeper into it.  
•Breathe into the not knowing.  
•Exhale any stagnant qi. 
•Dive deep into and engage with loving awareness.

Not getting it? Go slower….have your breath become
your ally…

And now try again,. This is why it is called a
“practice”…. ( – ;

What are you aware of?

What are you hungry for?

What are you hungry for?

When you look at life’s buffet of choices what are you
truly hungry for?

This is an important question because when we are
hungry we do what it takes to feed ourselves. But
sometimes when we are too hungry we make poor

Stay aware of your MInd and Body. Notice what they
are hungry for before they become ravenous. This
awareness will help you stay balanced as well as flow
with what life is giving.

And Poof!

And Poof!

Without warning impermanence waves it’s wand and
change occurs. The stability we had relied upon has
dissolved…or is it the illusion of stability that has

Bottomline: Life is impermanent. To tell ourselves
otherwise is perpetuating an illusion.

Knowing this….how shall you live your life today?

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