Cushion Wisdom

with Ann-Marie

Standing Tall with Big Heart:
Somatically, Mindfully, Creatively, Unceasingly


How will it become visible?

How will it become visible?

Imagine what you are looking for is looking right at
you…but you can’t see it.

How do you make the invisible visible?
•Close your eyes and open into a spacious mindset.
•Soften your body with the energy of kindness.
•Gently open your eyes
•View the world with the fresh eyes of Beginners Mind.

What has become visible?

H•A•L•T no matter what!

H•A•L•T no matter what!

H•A•L•T when you are feeling~

Get those needs met ~
Nourish yourself
Settle your mind
Reach out to friends

This is an insurance policy to alleviate potential suffering in future moments.
Tip: No negotiation with Monkey Mind!

Practice is Reining in the Mind

Practice is Reining in the Mind

Each day we sit on our cushions we keep awareness alive.

As Monkey Mind mutters, chatters and stews
As Inner Critic paints harsh judgements
As Gremlin bullies ourselves and others
We sit, settle and train our minds.

We rein in our minds
With wholehearted determination and curiosity.
We continue coming back to the breath.
We continue coming back to this moment.
We continue being here now.

No negotiation.



When it’s messy…
When you feel stuck…

Open your tool box
Letting the traits most needed float out:
Resiliency, perseverance, curiosity.

And that “Go get ’em, Tiger” attitude.

It’ll happen!



Sit listening into the silent gaps without interruption.
Let the gaps soften you.
Let the gaps tenderize you

Taking a deep breath and exhaling
Let yourself dissolve into the gap.

Who are you now?

Being with…

Being with…

Walk outside.
Go be with whatever seems to beckon you.

Sit in front of it. Or behind it. Or on top of it.
Do whatever is needed to be with it.

And now give it permission to be with you…
Somatically, mentally, emotionally, spriritually.

Ask, “What do I need to know?”

Be with what arises.

Neither This nor That

Neither This nor That

Living in Suchness

Bearing Witness to Just This

Breathing into What Is

Image yourself into being alive in a world of non-duality.
A world where it is neither this nor that.
A world of just this. A world where we walk with what is.

What is happening somatically as you mindfully
imagine yourself participating in a non-dual world?

Give yourself time to play with this. Watch for shifts
in consciousness.

It’s been 33 years

It’s been 33 years

In the dream he said, “This is my cave. I am not ready
to leave it.”

She said, “I know. But you will find there are many
caves ready for you.”

Three weeks went by. She learned more about him as
they continued meditating together.

Then in another dream he declared, “I am ready.”

In that one statement life changed.

Taking deep breaths
They birthed each other
Into going beyond the beyond.

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