If St. Hildegard Was Your Coach…

If St. Hildegard Was Your Coach…

by Meg Hess, D.Min., PCC St. Hildegard lived, and thrived, in Germany in the 12th century. The more I learn about her remarkable life with her outstanding contributions to medicine, theology, art, and writing, the more I think of her as a guide for those who wish to...
Community Is Not a Plastic Bag

Community Is Not a Plastic Bag

by Matthew Rezac, ACC, MPS The word “community” gets thrown around a lot, especially online. Type your email, make a click, and BAM! You’re in. Welcome to the community. Communities are common as plastic bags these days. Apparently, they’re as nourishing as plastic...
Community Is Not a Plastic Bag

Reset Time!

Reset time is living in Beginners Mind as fresh eyes and fresh beginnings are revealed. Here are a few ways Reset Time manifests: -Follow your intuition as you drive yourself to an unknown location for an overnight. -Spend 24 hours in your flannel pj’s unplugged so...
Community Is Not a Plastic Bag

Following through…

We promise ourselves so many things. Sometimes we forget the follow through to make it a reality. Remember: You are your oldest and dearest friend. Without following through on self-commitment we turn our backs on ourselves and forget who we are. Challenge: Each day...