Return To Stillness

Feb 2, 2019

If you find yourself asking, “How can I  stay consistent with my meditation practice?” Here are a few things to try…

Dedicate a Space – If your chair or cushion is always set, it will be much easier to arrive, and ego will have one less excuse to lean on. Make your space comfortable and inviting. Have a “real” clock there, so you won’t be distracted by your phone. 

Schedule Yourself – and write it on a sticky note, somewhere you’ll often see – like the bathroom mirror or refrigerator door. “I meditate everyday from 7:00 – 8:00.” Stick with the schedule as much as you can. Even if you don’t practice everyday, you’ll still be strengthening your awareness. 

• Learn Postures – Learning how to sit well will support your practice. You might ask your yoga instructor or research online. Good body mechanics help decrease aches and increase our ability to remain still. 

Use Sound – Find a bell or use spoon on water glass to start and end your practice. Whatever happens in between the bells IS your practice. Include everything. 

Find a Friend – An accountability buddy (or group of them) is incredibly helpful for one’s practice. They offer extra support, energy, and inspiration. Meditate together with those who have mutual interest.

• Cultivate Compassion – More than anything else, the practice of meditation is about cultivating awareness and compassion. Include yourself in this.

In Practice,


  1. Dawn

    Thank you, Brittany. Will you be offering any online regular meditation groups this spring?

    With gratitude,

    • Mindfulness Coaching School

      Hi Dawn! Thanks for your expressed interest in continuing Meditation Group. At this time, I don’t have anything schedule, but will be happy to let you know when I do.

      In Practice,

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