Qi Gung & Mindful Coaching

Apr 3, 2017

The Chi CenterGalisteo, New Mexico
March 1-21, 2017

by Ann-Marie McKelvey

The first 21 days of March I journeyed inward through my BodyMindHeart from 7am to 8:45pm each day. It was the 1966 movie Fantastic Voyage revisited, except it was my body I was traveling through, not an animated Hollywood graphic! Plus, I wasn’t relaxing in a movie theatre…
Instead, I was at The Chi Center in Galisteo, New Mexico with Qi Gung teacher, Mingtong Gu, releasing stagnant qi. (Such a vital component in coaching!)…

I was on voluntary medical leave from the school with the intention of learning how to shrink and dissolve the benign tumor currently residing inside my body.

By the third day the tumor and all its mental and physical trappings were in the back parking lot of my mind. Surprisingly, what emerged was the expansive inner landscape of my body through movement, visualization and sound healing. I began to learn how to live in my body in a new way. I call it Beginner’s Body.

Developing Beginner’s Body

Below are snippets of my daily agendas and the themes that revealed themselves as I trusted and activated my BodyMindHeart process into the inner and outer worlds of living in Beginner’s Body.

Day 1: Goal ~ Shrink and dissolve the tumor!

Day 2: Transcend the diagnosis. Notice constrictions within Body.

Day 3: Live in Golden Silence. Be alone. Bear witness on flowing Qi.

Day 4: Focus on, trust and activate Qi between Body and Mind.

Day 5: Engage Qi deep into the Underbelly of Relaxation.

Day 6: Notice the origin of Body constrictions. Experiment with circumventing.

Day 7: Soften and smooth out the energetic channels.

Day 8: Where Mind goes, Qi goes. Listen and respond to the Energetic Highway.

Day 9: Breathe into the energies of resistance and judgments emerging.

Day 10: Trust the process. Participate 100% giving my best effort. Regardless.

Day 11: OMG! What a gift this precious body is…

Day 12: Let the movements tell the stories. Digest the stories. Let the breath breathe them out.

Day 13: Digest the stories. Send back the ones that are not mine.

Day 14: Weeping today for all those that have died. Melting into their love. Belly laughing. Everything is okay! It’s all formless love.

Day 15: BodyHeartMind. BodyHeartMind. BodyHeartMind. Qi flows. BodyHeartMind.

Day 16: Dizziness. Qi Purification. Stay in the boat. It’s okay to say “No” in order to say “Yes” to BodyMindHeart.

Day 17: Dizziness. Silver flashes. Body, what do I need to know? Don’t push the river. Float with awareness.

Day 18: Brain smiles to Eyes. Eyes return smile. All organs smile at tumor.

Day 19: Beginner’s Body emerges. I smile to all organs. My organs smile back. Forgot about the tumor this week!

Day 20: Qi dancing. My body becomes the smile and the dance!

Day 21: Joyful Grieving in the “Good-byes” to my Qi Gung tribe. The form becomes formless once again.

Bringing it home…

The Qi Field is continuously expanding and incorporating itself into each of our lives – sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. It’s our choice. Just like in coaching!

Two passions now guide me:

  • The discipline of practicing Qi Gung two hours each day
  • Learning how to interweave the somatic aspects of Qi Gung deep into Mindfulness Coaching

Exciting times! Stay tuned – more to come… !
Click here to listen to the Mindfulness Coaching Call recording from Monday, April 3rd, when Ann-Marie talked about Qigong and Coaching.

The Healing Qi Gung Group at The Chi Center in Galisteo, NM.


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