March blew in today along with the early arrival of Rocky Mountain Bluebird. She has been gone all winter. I’ve missed her. She is gutsy, loyal, resilient and a brilliant spacious sky blue coloration. For me, she is a symbol of Beginner’s Mind.
I’m curious… What have you missed in your inner life this winter? What has been gone all winter and is ready to return home? When shall you invite it back with open arms?
In November, the Migrating Robin stopped over in Santa Fe for what usually is a quick visit. However, she and her friends decided to stay the winter. It has been a delightful surprise to witness their thirst for life, their confident ease regardless of the weather and their moment to moment curiosity.
I’m curious… What has migrated into your life and has decided to stay? What is it thirsty for? How can you foster its highest excitement?
Rocky Mountain Bluebird and Migrating Robin have learned how to fly high, bearing witness to an ever-changing world. They travel throughout North America, and yet here on the land, they flit from Grandfather Pinon to Grandmother Cedar – alive with passion and continuous flow of Qi.
I’m curious… How are you flying high and living your life in this ever-changing world?
In Northern New Mexico, March is a time when winter begins to dissolve and the winds take away all that is not needed. We are left with what will thrive and flourish.
I’m curious… What in your life is ready to be dissolved and taken away? What in your life is ready to thrive and flourish?
With much love, a deep bow, and a mischievous smile to each of you…
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