The course brought me from being very anxious about the business aspect of coaching to gaining the confidence necessary to take care of this very important aspect of a coaching business. I have gained the necessary skills, made contacts with people who could help me with certain aspects of setting up my business and I even caught a glimpse of the possibility that business part can be fun and a great way for learning new skills. So inner business alchemy definitely happened for me, for which I am feeling extremely grateful to my instructor and all my classmates.
This class will give you a coaching community in just a few short months. I now feel that I have colleagues and a support system that I can reach out to in times of need. So grateful for having the chance to know these remarkable individuals.
Alicia UpchurchStudent CoachBrooklyn, New York
Blog Posts
Grounded, Loving Presence: A Journey of Spiritual Growth, Business Evolution, and AI Collaboration
Mindful Action, Mindful Acceptance: Living in the Tension Between the World As It Is and the World As It Could Be
Brother David and Me: The Ring of Gratitude
Absolute and the Dissolute and the Resolute Solution
Dreams, Intuition and Synchronicity II