You’ve Completed the following Requirements:
- S-T-R-E-T-C-H! Becoming the Incredible Coach You Truly Are
- Skillful Means: The Coaching Skill Set
- Right Speech: Listening Deeply, Speaking Truth
- The Art of Engaged Mindfulness: Settling the Mind for Intuition to Emerge
- Business Alchemy: Create Abundance & Live Your Vision
- Mentor Coaching
- 100+ Client Coaching Hours
Here are your next steps:
- Purchase the Level 1 Program Completion
- You will receive an email explaining your next steps
- Submit your Self as Coach, Self as Leader Plan based on the guidelines in the email.
- Schedule your Level 1 Performance Evaluation
You can skip this Level 1 Program Completion and upgrade to Level 2.
If you have completed your Level 2 requirements please click here for further instructions.