S-T-R-E-T-C-H! Becoming The Incredible Coach You Truly Are presented new and experienced coaches the opportunity to learn, apply and refine life-changing skills to better the lives of people. I learned new mindfulness applications that I could immediately apply in my life and roles as a leadership coach and adult educator. I really enjoyed the interaction, meeting new friends, and the freedom of expression. Aloha and mahalo MCS!
I now have the skills and confidence to begin bringing on some clients. I am grateful to all those who work so hard to help educate others. [Skillful Means]
Jane Ellen DixonStudent CoachRoanoke, VA
Blog Posts
Grounded, Loving Presence: A Journey of Spiritual Growth, Business Evolution, and AI Collaboration
Mindful Action, Mindful Acceptance: Living in the Tension Between the World As It Is and the World As It Could Be
Brother David and Me: The Ring of Gratitude
Absolute and the Dissolute and the Resolute Solution
Dreams, Intuition and Synchronicity II