If Georgia O’Keeffe Were Your Coach: Following in Her Footsteps
Ongoing ICF CCE Education
Created and taught in English by:
Ann-Marie McKelvey, LPCC, MCC
ICF Master Certified Coach • Psychotherapist
Buddhist Chaplain • EMDR Consultant
•12 ICF Core Competency CCEs
•12 Counseling CEUs
TBA – This class may be offered based on student interest. Please contact us to be added to the list of potential students.
Georgia O’Keeffe’s bold and intriguing artwork reflects how she created a lifestyle and career that ranks her as one of the most significant artists of the twentieth century.
In studying Georgia O’Keeffe through the eyes of coaching, we will be diving into such teachings as new beginnings, missions that seem impossible, simplicity, metaphors of life & dancing into the mysteries of the unknown with mindfulness.
• A pen, a composition notebook, a set of colored pencils
• Choose your 10 favorite Georgia O’Keeffe paintings to work with in class
• There are no required texts for this course, however, we highly recommend reading an O’Keeffe biography before class begins. Here are a few good options:
• Georgia O’Keeffe, A Life by Roxana Robinson
• Miss O’Keeffe by Christine Taylor Patten and Alvaro Cardona-Hine
• Portrait of an Artist, A Biography of Georgia O’Keeffe by Laurie Lisle
• O’Keeffe & Stieglitz, An American Romance by Benita Eisler
Contact Hours: 12 hours over 8 sessions
Where: Anywhere! Connect via phone or computer.
Tuition: $725
ICF Core Competencies/CCEs: 12
Optional: 12 Counseling CEUs via New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board
If Georgia O’Keeffe Were Your Coach… Following In Her Footsteps is part of Mindfulness Coaching School’s ICF Approved Coaching Training Program (ACTP). Ann-Marie is a CEU Provider through the state of New Mexico and offers optional counseling CEUs.
TBA – This class may be offered based on student interest. Please contact us to be added to the list of potential students.