Title of Investigation: The Three Treasures:  EMDR, Positive Psychology and Loving Kindness Meditation 

Names of Principal Investigators:
Ann-Marie McKelvey, LPCC, MCC
Mac Dryden, ACC


This document is to certify that I, _________________________, hereby freely agree to participate as a volunteer in a research study under the supervision of Mac Dryden and Ann-Marie McKelvey.

  • The purpose of this research project has been fully explained to me and I understand that I will be asked to complete a daily meditation practice and answer questionnaires about my experience to the best of my ability.
  • I understand I may have uncomfortable feelings related to grief, loss and transitions. 
  • I have been given an opportunity to ask questions, and all such questions and inquiries have been answered to my satisfaction by Mac Dryden or Ann-Marie McKelvey.
  • I understand that I am free to decline to answer any specific items or questions in interviews or questionnaires.
  • I understand that, in the unlikely event of any physical or mental injury resulting from this investigation, the principal investigators and Mindfulness Coaching School are not responsible for any financial compensation or medical treatment for such physical or mental injury.
  • I certify that to the best of my knowledge, I have no physical or mental illness or weakness that would increase risk during participation in this investigation. 
  • I understand that participation in this research project is voluntary.
  • I understand that I will not receive any compensation for my participation in this study.
  • I understand that the approximate length of time required for participation in this research project is 5 minutes daily for 2 weeks in addition to completing the VIA Survey of Character Strengths, the Preliminary Questionnaire and three additional questionnaires during the course of the study.
  • I understand I am free to discontinue my participation at any time.
  • I understand that if I have any questions concerning the purposes or the procedures associated with this research project, I may contact:

Ann-Marie McKelvey
Mac Dryden


Please return to the Registration Page to complete your registration.
Click the checkbox “I give my consent” on the Registration Page. This constitutes your signature to the above Informed Consent Waiver.