Taking Right Speech with Meg was an inspirational journey. Her expertise, kindness, strength, and dedication to the class and the students came through so fully. I came away seeing that coaching is not just helping people set goals and move towards them, but also has the potential to be a sacred container where people wake up and see their true essence and their gifts and can develop the confidence to bring their dreams to fruition. Very powerful!
This class will give you a coaching community in just a few short months. I now feel that I have colleagues and a support system that I can reach out to in times of need. So grateful for having the chance to know these remarkable individuals.
Alicia UpchurchStudent CoachBrooklyn, New York
Blog Posts
Grounded, Loving Presence: A Journey of Spiritual Growth, Business Evolution, and AI Collaboration
Mindful Action, Mindful Acceptance: Living in the Tension Between the World As It Is and the World As It Could Be
Brother David and Me: The Ring of Gratitude
Absolute and the Dissolute and the Resolute Solution
Dreams, Intuition and Synchronicity II