There is Old Chinese saying : 好事多磨

How will it become visible?

Imagine what you are looking for is looking right at you…but you can’t see it. How do you make the invisible visible? •Pause. •Close your eyes and open into a spacious mindset. •Soften your body with the energy of kindness. •Gently open your eyes •View the world with...
There is Old Chinese saying : 好事多磨

H•A•L•T no matter what!

H•A•L•T when you are feeling~ Hungry Angry Lonely Tired Get those needs met ~ Nourish yourself Settle your mind Reach out to friends Rest This is an insurance policy to alleviate potential suffering in future moments. Tip: No negotiation with Monkey...
There is Old Chinese saying : 好事多磨

Practice is Reining in the Mind

Each day we sit on our cushions we keep awareness alive. As Monkey Mind mutters, chatters and stews As Inner Critic paints harsh judgements As Gremlin bullies ourselves and others We sit, settle and train our minds. We rein in our minds With wholehearted determination...
There is Old Chinese saying : 好事多磨


When it’s messy… When you feel stuck… Open your tool box Letting the traits most needed float out: Resiliency, perseverance, curiosity. And that “Go get ’em, Tiger” attitude. It’ll happen!